Here’s a collection of random links I found appealing to our sites readers that you can look at during the day.

6 Surprising Facts About Caffeine – I think just about everyone knows at least one person that tells them they can’t function without their coffee or some sort of caffeine in the morning.

Fab Blast Circuit – Shamelessly plugging an article I did for Muscle & Fitness.  It’s a circuit designed to add muscle while you cut fat.

Brain Stimulated Orgasm – I find neuroscience fascinating and this article gives a cool bit of insight about our brains

Velocity Based Training – Cool NCAA article about a training system that I utilize some concepts from when developing explosiveness with atheltes.

By | 2017-04-24T13:46:13+00:00 April 24th, 2017|Health Tips|Comments Off on RANDOM LINKS

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