Here are some interesting articles that came out recently that you can read to make your monday go faster.

4 Methods To Boost Testosterone With Food – my newest article at T-Nation on strategies to boost your testosterone levels for optimal health and performance.

The 10 Most Underrated Exercises – 10 different coaches give their take on the most underrated exercise.  I’m a fan of a lot of the exercises listed especially farmer’s walks.  Exercies with an easy learning curve that give you a huge bang for your buck will always be benficial for overall health.

Is Obesity A Choice – Dr Spencer Nadolsky gives an overview of how obesity is multifactorial

7 Basic Human Movements – a Strong First blog covering the basic human movements.  There’s a variety of exercises to implement these movments in a training program, but overall I do feel that a successful program for atheltic performance will incorporate all 7 of these movements.

By | 2017-04-24T13:59:50+00:00 April 24th, 2017|Health Diet|Comments Off on STUFF TO READ

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